God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand (Hymn Inspirations)
Carson, Mike
This three stave edition of the majestic hymn "God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand" (NATIONAL HY..
Puer natus in Bethlehem (BWV 603)
Bach, Johann Sebastian
"Puer natus in Bethlehem" (A Child is Born in Bethlehem), BWV 603, by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-17..
Ring Out, Wild Bells, Postlude on
Carson, Mike
The Crawford Gates hymn tune MARSDEN has been masterfully set for organ in this award winning postlu..
The First Noel, Prelude on
Berghout, Daniel
The beautiful English carol "The First Noel" is arranged with an ostinato accompaniment by Daniel Be..
We Three Kings, Variations on
Christiansen, Rulon
This stunning set of Variations on "We Three Kings" by Rulon Christiansen is the perfect celebratory..